Well, my doctor is going out of town this weekend for Mother's Day so she was wanting me to get induced today or tomorrow. I was told to call the hospital today at 3 and make sure they weren't too busy to get me in...well...yah I guess they were too busy... :( I have to try again tomorrow at 3. I was so ready today to go in there and have this baby! I got my nails done, finally packed my bag for the hospital and just got all of my business that I'd been putting off taken care of. So, now I don't even know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I'm going to be just chillin. I went on 3 walks with my Mom yesterday and then today I went on a walk with my Mom and one long one with my sister and Kenny. It's like this baby is just so comfortable and doesn't want to come out. I went and had my Biophysical Profile of the baby...which I guess is a test they do after 40 weeks to make sure everything is still going well with the baby and the x-ray tech lady said that she has plenty of room in my uterus...so that is just great! Baby probably just thinks she can stay until she gets kicked out...which will hopefully happen tomorrow! :)
I had only had one ultrasound during my pregnancy so it was nice to see her again today. I had the lady see if she could make sure that it was a girl because when I had my previous ultrasound the chick told me that with girls you can never be 100% positive so that has kind of been weighing on my mind especially since I got 100 million girly baby clothes at my baby shower. So, she is in fact a girl...they showed me. So, I can rest easy on that subject now. I didn't know what I was going to do if it turned out to be a boy. So...still with the waiting game...even though I had an appointment to be induced they bumped me. There have been soo many babies born in town lately and they only have four labor and delivery rooms...so they don't want to overcrowd if they don't have to. So, I will call again tomorrow at 3 and see if I can come in. Keep your fingers crossed for me...or maybe I could actually go into labor...that would be even better! :)
2 days ago
I am thinking of you! Hope your labor & deliver go smoothly. Good luck! Remember to breath and it helps a lot. Love you!
I hope you do go in labor! I have a salad recipe that is suppose to help induce labor, though it has never worked for me but you can email me and I will send it to you :)
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