Friday, September 5, 2008

Finding out

So, about two weeks ago I called in sick to work because I felt like crap. The more I thought about it the more I wondered if I might be pregnant. Well, I had a left over pregnancy test (don't we all?) so I decided to take it. Well, I could BARELY see the second line so I called my Mom. My Mom didn't answer so then I called my sister, Januari. I explained to her the situation and then all of a sudden on the other end of the line all I hear is "MOM!!! ALLISON'S PREGNANT!!!". I was just like easy...calm down. I didn't believe it and still didn't even after Kenny brought home a hi tech digital test and that said "pregnant" clear as day. It took about 2 days for me to actually start believing that I might be pregnant. So, yah...I'm pregnant and I THINK I am due April 27th. My first dr appointment is September 11th so I will find out for sure then. WOOHOO! Kenny and I are both so excited.

1 comment:

Nichole Gaertner said...

ALLISON!!!! HOLY TOLEDO FRIEND! It's sooo cool to have found you! (Well, I think you found me actually! haha!) I'm sooo freaking excited for you. Being a mom is amazing. Let me know how your preg. is going. We can complain about all the crap that goes w/it together. (NO, I'm not preggers again ... but I can still complain! haha!)
Love Nichole