Thursday, April 23, 2009

39 weeks

Well, here is my baby belly for week 39. I have 8 days left and yes the countdown has begun...until the due date that is. When she'll actually come...who the heck knows! I'm just livin life until then...trying to cherish the few quiet moments left in my life. That is all, I just wanted to post the new pic, it's a little better than the last least I thought so. :)


The Graham Family! said...

You look way good Allison!! I'm so excited to see pictures of your new baby girl!! You better post some ASAP when you have her!!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

You look really good! How exciting, I love it! I can't wait to see her.

mptanner said...

I am so excited for you! Only a week left. It is kindda funny but my last 2 kids were actually born on their due date :) I hope you are able to hold your little one in your arms soon!